Dave has more than 300 episodes of this wonderful podcast and it was so cool to be invited on for a chat. Dave also has an incredible community on Twitch and we did this live as part of a fundraising event they were having.

Well out of my comfort zone here but it was a wonderful experience and I’m always grateful for the opportunity to chat about mental health outside of the usual places!

I met Han from Full of Beans when she guested with me so it was lovely to be invited on to her incredible podcast for a Suicide Awareness Month special.

I loved chatting to Kirsty and Stu from Reach Out! I got to talk about my own journey with mental health and suicide and how talking openly led to starting Proper Mental.

I was recently invited to pick a Top 5 to chat about on one of my favourite podcasts, Hardcore Listing! I chose ‘Top 5 Lesser known tips for better mental health’ and it was a real pleasure to chat with Chris & Stu about some of the things I’ve learned so far from hosting Proper Mental.

It was a real treat to sit down with Amy from Mum & Mummer! This is probably the most open and vulnerable I have been on someone else’s pod so if you want to know more about me, this is the one to listen to!

It was so much fun picking my best, worst and dream sequels for one of my favourite podcasts! A nice change to not focus on mental health for once too!

Gavin from The Safe Place is having some wonderful conversations about the deeper things in life and it was great to chat to him about my own journey and how podcasting has helped my mental health.

A Drop in the Bucket is a podcast about life’s stresses and how people handle them. It’s hosted by my pals Sarah and Becca and I got to chat all about my journey with mental health and how I look after myself.

PODCASTER is hosted by V, the voice of pod, a robot who asked me a load of questions generated at random. You can hear me chatting about my hatred of roast dinners, my favourite music and what I want people to get from listening to Proper Mental.

For World Mental Heath Day 2021 I was invited on to Mentally Yours, the podcast from Metro.co.uk, to tell the story behind Proper Mental and chat all about mental health and mental illness.

Mental Health Monday is a 2 x Mind Media Award winning podcast and I was incredibly proud to be invited on for a chat about my story and all things Proper Mental.

I was recently invited on to one of my favourite podcasts The Mouth of Manliness! I chat to Nick about my mental health journey, giving up booze, fitness and all things mental health.

For podcast enquiries please email propermentalpodcast@gmail.com